The P Spot
One of the things my friend Kerrie said she would wish for if she
happened to trip over a lamp and be granted three wishes, would
be to have some genie turn her an fantastic lover. When I did an
informal survey at a dinner party I was attending, most people concurred
and voiced their not-so-secret desire to be known as "great
in bed". Secret tips on how to "drive your man wild in
bed" are still the most common titles on popular selling women's
magazines. Everyone it seems, wants to know the one secret that
will give you the edge, and turn anyone you're sleeping with into
a quivering mass of Jell-O. Who doesn't want to find out about those
magical places on their partners body that when gently touched,
makes them go weak in the knees. Like most women I start purring
when my ear is nibbled but I digress here. We all want to push the
button and turn on our lovers. But of all the places and erogenous
zones on the human body, none are more interesting nor elusive than
the mysterious P Spot.
The P Spot is the male equivalent of the female G-spot. Located
internally as part of the prostate gland in the lower rectum, the
P Spot is sometimes tricky to access, but from every account I've
ever heard of men who've reached P Spot orgasms, the resulting pleasure
is well worth the effort. So what is the P Spot, how is it associated
with the prostate, and where do the orgasms come in? Here's the
skinny so you can be in the know when you compare your sexual prowess
with that of your neighbours.
The prostate gland is the size of a chestnut, surrounding the urethra
and vas defrens like a donut, located close to the bottom muscle
of the bladder. It's made up of muscle, nerves, blood vessels and
fat mixed in with a large amount of fluid secreting glandular cells.
It is these cells that secrete that which composes most of what
is semen. Semen is the "loving spoonful" that men produce
upon ejaculation. This is an area rich with blood and nerves and
is tender to the touch (as anyone who has experienced the gloved,
rectal exam can attest). These nerve endings cluster in the same
place as the G-spot in women, and as all these nerves are resonating
in and around the genitals, it is understandable why, with a little
experience and the right touch, stimulation in this area feels great.
It is also proven that men with prostate stimulation do ejaculate
and reach orgasm. In fact, getting a sperm sample from men with
spinal cord injuries and paraplegia requires inserting a small thumbnail
size vibrator into the rectum and turning it on. The vibration causes
ejaculation every time, showing that orgasms can result from a different
set of stimuli than those associated with the penis.