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Pre Menstrual Syndrome
Chapter 2
There are some very basic measures that you can take to help reduce
the severity of PMS. Your diet is a good place to begin with; after
all, you are what you eat. Stay away from certain foods - sugar,
caffeine, and alcohol in particular. Try eating several small meals
throughout the day to level off your blood sugar levels. Reduce
your intake of food that contains salt and fatty meats. Taking vitamin
B6 (pyridoxine) is thought to help reduce overall symptoms, while
vitamin E helps reduce breast tenderness and cysts. Oils contained
in primrose, black currants and flax are also considered beneficial
in reducing PMS related symptoms.
Regular aerobic exercise can additionally assist in alleviating
the associated symptoms, especially exercise that occurs during
the normal period wherein they occur. It is believed that exercise
triggers the release of mood enhancing endorphins in the body. Other
stress reducing exercises such as yoga and meditation also are purported
to help significantly.
If you find that your PMS is so severe it results in regular non
attendance at work, become violent or self destructive, or is in
any way seriously debilitating, seek counsel from your doctor. There
may be medication that will assist you in your quest to transcend
these difficulties. Many women with both severe and mild symptoms
are turning to herbal remedies which are said to reduce the effects
of PMS , yet, as this industry is largely unregulated, you must
be careful to research before you begin any alternative therapies.
Tracking your symptoms to see when they occur and how severe they
are may help you and your doctor determine what treatments, if any,
are most appropriate.
Learning to recognize your psychological tendencies during PMS
is also very important. If you find it hard to live with yourself
during this time, imagine how everyone else in your household feels.
Although PMS is a real condition, with real symptoms, learning how
to cope with it more effectively without punishing your family is
definitely worthwhile. They will certainly appreciate it, and you
won't have to spend the rest of the month making up with them.